Friday, February 28, 2014


The thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase ERp57 is
 a soluble protein of the endoplasmic reticulum
 and the closest known homologue of protein disulfide isomerase.
 The protein interacts with the two lectin chaperones calnexin and
calreticulin and thereby promotes the oxidative folding of newly
synthesized glycoproteins.



 alreticulin : calregulin, CRP55, CaBP3, calsequestrin-like protein,
and endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 60 (ERp60)
: a multifunctional protein that in humans is encoded by CALR gene.
it  binds Ca ion,  rendering it inactive. the Ca2+ is bound with low affinity but high capacity,
and can be released on a signal. Calreticulin is located in storage compartments associated
with the ER.



 Calnexin (CNX) is a 67 KDa integral protein.
is a chaperon, characterized by assisting protein folding
 and quality control, ensuring that only properly folded and 
assembled proteins proceed further along the secretory pathway.
Calnexin acts to retain unfolded or unassembled N-linked glycoprotein in the ER.


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome

Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome(WAS)

 is a rare X-linked recessive disease characterized by eczema, 
 thrombocytopenia, (low platelet count ),immune deficiency   
 and bloody diarrhea (secondary to the thrombocytopenia)

WAS:  involving humoral and cellular immunity 

The risk of autoimmune disorder (autoimmune hemolytic anemia AIHA), 
and malignancies (lymphoma and leukemia) increasedin this patients.

causes: The mutations in a gene of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp)

WAS protein is an essential key regulator of signal transduction and actin polymerization in HSCs. As a result, defective in immune cells function (B c ell, T cell, dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages), cell migration, cytoskeletal rearrangement and immunological synapse formation is observed in Wiskott - Aldrich syndrome patients.

Ariga T. Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; an x-linked primary immunodeficiency disease with unique and characteristic features. Allergol Int. 2012;61(2):183-9.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Food and Immunity

Food and Immunity

In order to improve your immunity you need to very careful while taking your meal

There are some meals that improve immunity system naturally:
Hot tea like Chamomile: preventing sickness .
increase of  poly-phenols: increases the anti bacterial activity body .

 Lycopene present in tomatoes acts as an antioxidant:
 improve the infection-fighting white blood cells ,
reduces the damage caused by free radicals.

beta-glucans: boosts immune system.

chilli peppers:
capsaicin ( hot components): can ward off sickness before it could start,reducing colds, fewer and other infections. 
Eating food that contains capsaicin  may improve immunity status.

  The information that I've  learned in this class can be effective to change personal diet!!! 
to  be more safe and healthy. ;)
poly-phenols, which in turn increases the anti bacterial activity in your body - See more at:
Hot tea like Chamomile, will help you in preventing sickness - See more at:
in order to improve your immunity you need to very careful while taking your meal - See more at:
in order to improve your immunity you need to very careful while taking your meal. - See more at: