Thursday, January 30, 2014

Alopecia Areata



Alopecia Areata

Alopecia can be inherited, related to 
shock or stress, dietary deficiencies such as malnutrition, genetic disorders, medication, and an autoimmune disorder. 

Alopecia Areata is a type of hair loss that occurs   when immune system  mistakenly attacks hair follicles.

The hair loss usually  is  not permanent.

Biopsies of affected skin show immune lymphocytes penetrating into the hair bulb of the hair follicles. The autoimmune destruction in Alopecia Areata may be mediated in part by CD8 +, NKG2D + ,cytotoxic T cells. 

Alopecia areata is occasionally associated with other autoimmune conditions such as allergic disorders, Thyroid disease, Vitiligo , lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, and Ulcerative colitis.

One of my friend got this disease after he shocked by  bad news. In his hair and beard.  After six month, at first his hair grow in grey and then change to black.

Amos Gilhar, Amos Etzioni, and Ralf Paus. Alopecia Areata,N Engl J Med 2012;366:1515-25.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)


          RA is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation of the joints.

  Autoimmune diseases are illnesses that occur when the body's tissues are mistakenly attacked by their own immune system.

  Patients with autoimmune diseases have antibodies in their blood that target their own body tissues,and cause inflammation.  

  The cause of rheumatoid arthritis:  may be genetically inherited.


  Immune system promote inflammation in the joints and occasionally other
 tissues of the body.  lymphocytes, are activated and chemical messengers
 (cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor/TNF, interleukin-1/IL-1, 
and interleukin-6/IL-6) are expressed in the inflamed areas.

Environmental factors like smoking also seem to play some role in causing rheumatoid arthritis. 


I was in my car and listening to the radio that had a healthy program about RA patients and their special diet. My aunt has Rheumatoid Arthritis for more than 15 years. I believe that one of the most important factor that she is alive now , is her positive

Ames R. O'Dell, M.D., Ted R. Mikuls, M.D.Therapies for Active Rheumatoid Arthritis after Methotrexate FailureN Engl J Med 2013; 369:307-318.

 Violeta Romero,Justyna Fert-Bober,mmune-Mediated Pore-Forming Pathways Induce Cellular Hypercitrullination and Generate Citrullinated Autoantigens in Rheumatoid Arthritis.Sci Transl MedVol. 5, Issue 209, p. 209ra150

Thursday, January 16, 2014

GATA2 Transcription Factor


GATA-2 is  zinc-finger transcription factor.  
It is a regulators of gene expression in hematopoietic cell.
GATA-2 is expressed at very high levels in primitive hematopoietic stem cells and  after  hematopoietic cell maturation their expression dramatically decreased.

Fadilah S,Cheong S,GATA-1 and GATA-2 gene expression is related to the severity of dysplasia in myelodysplastic syndrome.August 2002, Volume 16, Number 8, Pages 1563-1565.

Ikaros Transcription Factor


Ikaros positively or negatively controls gene transcription. 
Ikaros is zinc finger transcription 
factor that has a critical regulator of hematopoiesis. 

Furthermore, Ikaros is a critical tumor suppressor
and has a critical regulator of B cell lymphopoiesis and function.  
They express in anterior pituitary gland.


Ikaros controls multiple levels of B cell lymphopoiesis and function

MacLean Sellars, Philippe Kastner and Susan Chan.Ikaros in B cell development and function.World J Biol Chem. 2011 June 26; 2(6): 132-139.

Alveolar Macrophages


Alveolar Macrophage in a Lung Alveolus with red blood cell in capillaries in the interalveolar septum


Alveolar Macrophages


 Alveolar Macrophages are the front line of
 cellular defense against  respiratory 
Alveolar Macrophages  pathogens, so their activity are relatively high.

They are the primary phagocytes of the
 innate immune system, 
clearing the respiratory tract, such as the
nasal passages, the glottis, and 
the mucociliary transport system
of infectious, toxic, or allergic particles.

, , , . (2004) Proteome Comparison of Alveolar Macrophages with Monocytes Reveals Distinct Protein Characteristics. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 31:3, 322-329.