Thursday, September 4, 2014


  • 49, XXXXX Chromosome Constitution
  • 49, XXXXX Karyotype
  • 49,XXXXX Syndrome
  • Pentasomy X
  • XXXXX Syndrome
penta X Syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects females.
In Penta X Syndrome, there are three additional (or a total of five) X chromosomes in the nuclei of body cells (pentasomy X).
The condition is typically characterized by:
 Moderate to severe mental retardation, short stature, malformations of the skull and facial region, and other physical abnormalities.Characteristic craniofacial malformations may include upslanting eyelid folds, a flat nasal bridge, malformed ears, a short neck with a low hairline.

Penta X Syndrome is characteristically associated with growth delays before birth.

Females with Penta X Syndrome have 49 chromosomes, five of which are X chromosomes. The presence of the three additional X chromosomes results from errors during the division of reproductive cells in one of the parents (nondisjunction during meiosis).

 Evidence suggests that the extra X chromosomes are typically derived from the mother.

 Researchers indicate that the risk of such errors may increase with advanced parental age.

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